This web site is a non-profit project supported by a group of people who like to write, travel,
take pictures and give advice. The group has diverse backgrounds in
library & archival science, business consulting, cartography, freelance photography, freelance copy writing and
web-creative design, and health care. The "Mission" of is to provide and promote information about our favorite home-towns-cities as
well as places that we have enjoyed travelling through.
The primary contributors to this web site [map-maker, writers, photographers, graphic designers] live in Vancouver, Burnaby, Victoria and Nanaimo, B.C. Canada; Hong Kong, China; Cairns & Blue Mountains, Australia; and
Wewak, Manus Island & Port Moresby, Papau New Guinea. In 2006 we have special contributions by a group of University of Victoria students after their recent summer at the University of Perugia, Italy
This web site is hosted in Vancouver, B.C. Canada and is maintained by Neal Chan, with the assistance of Angus Weller,
Brian Buchanan, Dr. John Evans, Eb. Manning, Guy Robertson, Teresa Murphy, John Wong, Tony Yau, and Gladys Zhang.
David K. Lai, joins us with his photos of Calgary stampede-rodeo events and
Show Jumping events at Spruce Meadows - (more on David's background-interests). Photo samples Papua New Guinea are contributed by Marsha Berman and Quentin Reilly.
In 2005 Dan Tam (UVIC economics co-op student) and Shiho Kaneko (UVIC business co-op student) contributed consultation and content on interests of Cantonese and Japanese speaking younger viewers.
In 2006 Metrotown has been gifted by Leanna Wong (UVIC French & Italian Studies) and her friends' photos and content about Italy e.g. Florence's historic cathedrals & scultures.
In 2003 with the SARS problems in Hong Kong, Tony Yau our graphic design consultant in Hong Kong sent us samples of his work promoting
increased public health awareness for children, see China health promotion section.
In 2009 Ms. Cat Wong, children's illustrator based in San Francisco, California San Francisco, California became primary volunteer content coordinator for our San Francisco information area, and on the side bar you'll see work she's done as a cover designer for many children's and young adult writers over the years.
In 2010 Ms. Chie Yamamoto Boyd, has volunteered to help develop the San Francisco area with Ms. Wong, above. Chie is currently studying at the Academy of Art University, based in San Francisco, working on her degree in Fine Arts - Illustration. More of her work can / will be seen at
Some History
Many of the original collaborators of this public service project have been publishing content for information professionals on the World Wide Web since 1995.
This content as well as more current contributions can be found at
Copyright and Responsibilities
Materials on this site are the property of the original content creators or copyright holders.
We do not take responsibility for the accuracy of information in sites which we link-refer to on this site or web sites that
have chosen to link to us. Opinions expressed in articles and other content on this site is that of the
creators/writers/owners of the content and do not necessarily represent that of this web sites owner-developers.
We make an effort to present accurate-reliable information or links to information - however it is the responsibility of the viewer/user of this site to do their own due diligence in making decisions based on the information/links on or from this web site.
From time to time contributors to experience some special community volunteer / customer service and would like to
compliment the person(s) responsible. We do this by giving them a special honorable mention on our web site.
In July 2002, during a heat wave in Victoria, B.C. I was looking for eye glass repairs, and found that Discovery Optical Ltd.
who rendered quick and surprisingly inexpensive repairs to the spring-loaded arm in question (this is after trying out
another long established optometrist firm who politely said to try somewhere else as they did not do any repairs anymore).
For what may seem like a small service, Discovery Optical was quick to have their repair specialist of 48 years experience check out the problem, and they fixed it on the spot.
The moral of this story is I was able to get prompt very friendly service that saved me from discomfort and
potentially spending more time and money to get a old pair of glasses fixed. So if you're a visitor or
resident in the Victoria area with eye glass repair needs or looking for a new pair of glasses, check these folks out!
(note we are not endorsing their overall services, we are saying we were very pleased with their resolution of our problem,
and a bonus was -- the air-conditioned premises on a very hot summer day! - N. Chan, Burnaby, B.C.
[see also B.C. Association of Optometrists web site]
Thank you for visiting. Questions about the site can be sent to
Copyright © 2002-2006 site design and primary graphics/photos by Neal Chan with contributions by Weller Cartographic Ltd.
Photo-Journalists: camera equipment, subject interests and notes
- David K. Lai
Some of David's work can be seen at Metrotown's Calgary Section, the
Victoria BC track & field championship games, the Abbotsford International Air Show.
"David K. Lai has been a photographer for the past 12
years. His style of photography is mostly
journalistic/candid. He enjoys shooting in different
and or difficult lighting scenarios and adapts to
available lighting very well. Nature and the areas
surrounding his environment are often targets for his
camera. David’s has traveled to Churchill Manitoba and
has covered much of the Caribbean islands. For
dependability David used Nikon equipment such as the
F90X and F 801S, coupled with SB 28 and an array of
Nikon lenses. David’s other works will soon be
- Christopher Campese in 2006 joined as a major contributor of photos for our new Italian cities section, e.g. Florence's cathedrals and "duomo" paintings
In September 2006 he shared with us the following personal profile:
I was born - 1984 in Nelson, BC. I study applied linguistics (directed towards Teaching English as a Second Language · ESL). I've finished two years at the University of Victoria, BC UVic and I'm here at Concordia University, in Montreal, Quebec for my third year. I'm here just for the year to try and become better at French. I return to Victoria next year for my final year."
[quoted with permission from personal email to Neal Chan 2006.09.07
Chris is part of a ad hoc team brought together by Leanna Wong, another UVIC student, currently studying Italian and French. Leanna, Chris, as well as Jessica Campese and Tamara Reiter, the "team" can be seen in a group photo at University of Perugia 2006 Italian studies trip and above]
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- Consumer protection & advocacy
Consumer organizations
- Industry & Professional Standards
Standards development, maintenance and enforcement
Fund Raising for Kids Health Care

click for bigger picture of Shriners fund raiser
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