Metro Vancouver Medical-Health-Clinics Doctors & Health Professionals
- Emergency Help & Treatment
- Phone 911
- General Practice Doctors
- Fees for medical treatment in BC
N.B. even with medical insurance people/visitors should note that many services now have
increased direct user fees for
part or all of services provided. For out of province and out of country visitors the costs may be substantial -
particularly if a hospital stay is required.
Family Practice / Urgent Care · New Patients Welcome · Specialist services available · No appointment / Walk-in access
· Travel & Vaccination Services · WCB, ICBC & Out of Province / Out of Country Patients welcome
- 1123 Davie Street
Telephone: 604-915-9517
- 1175 Denman Street
Telephone: 604-681-5338
- 1623 Commercial Drive
Telephone: 604-254-5554
- 5138 Joyce St.
Telephone: 604-436-0800
- 5619 Victoria Drive
Telephone: 604-656-2090
- 711 West Pender
Telephone: 604-687-4858
Stein Medical Clinic
Web site:
See Vancouver Sun News article by Brin Ellis, dated January 20, 2017:
"Two walk-in medical clinics in downtown Vancouver are closing after more than a decade in business.
Stein Medical Clinics informed patients late last month that its location at 550 Burrard Street "will no longer be servicing MSP (Medical Service Plan) patients" as of March 21. Another location at 887 Dunsmuir Street has already closed its doors...."
[read rest of article at ]
"Vancouver Walk-In Clinic
U L T I M A M E D I C E N T R E Medical / Sports Med / Walk-In
"Ultima Medicentre [1983] (formerly "Medicentre") is Vancouver's first, and foremost medical clinic providing easy access to tourists, commuters, temporary residents, and to residents dedicated to urban living. " [quote website 2010.05.11]
Note: hours 8:00 am. to 5:00 pm; Monday to Friday (closed weekends)
"This is an academic facility. All doctors ( most of whom have university teaching appointments) are affiliated with St. Paul's Hospital, downtown, and/or Vancouver General Hospital. You will from time to time have a family practice resident see you under supervision. They are recently graduated doctors, qualified to diagnose and treat."
"We primarily see patients by as walk-in, but will also schedule appointments." [website 2010.05.11]
Ultima Medicentre
Plaza Level,
1055 Dunsmuir Street
Vancouver, BC
V7X 1L4
Telephone: 604-683-8138
Web site:
YaleTown Medical Clinic
"Family Practice and Walk-in Clinic, Wellness Services. NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY"
1296 Pacific Blvd. at Drake St.
Broadway & Burrard Medical Clinic & Family Practice
Family Physicians · Walk-In Clinic
Open daily 9:00 am to 9:00 pm
Minor emergencies - Vaccinations - License Examinations - ICBC - WCB
1816 West Broadway
Vancouver, BC
Tel: 604-736-1888
Granville Medical Clinic
Family Practice / Walk-In Clinic
between 10th and Broadway
"Family Practice and walk in clinic
Minor surgery, Occupational Assessments
Acupuncture, Travel Medicine.
Open seven days a week. "
2578 Granville St
Vancouver, BC, V6H 3G8
Telephone: 604-733-4700
Web site:
Commercial Drive Walk-In Clinic
1515 Commercial Drive, Vancouver, BC V5L 3Y1
Telephone 604-255-5922?
Khatsahlano Walk in Clinic
2689 W. Broadway
( 1 block east of MacDonald)
Vancouver, BC V6K 2G2
Phone: 604 731 9187
Web Site:
Krrisdale Station Medical Clinic
Our family physicians provide comprehensive primary health care. We are also a walk-in clinic with extended hours and no appointment necessary. This ensures that all urgent problems are dealt with in a timely manner. That's why we open early and stay open late 364 days of the year. New patients are always welcomed." [quote website 2010.05.11]
Clinic Hours: see
Kerrisdale Medical Clinic Ltd.
2077 42nd Ave W
Vancouver, BC
V6M 2B4
Telephone: 604-261-9494
Web site:
Free parking 2hr parking underneath London Drugs.
Lonsdale & 19th Medical Clinic
"7 days a week extended hours - no appointments necessary - |Female doctors available - Family practice - New Patients Welcome [Yellow pages 2010.5.11]
108-1940 Lonsdale Avenue,
North Vancouver, BC V7M 2K2
Tel: 604-987-3347
Family Practice · Urgent Care · Patients seen with & without appointment (walk-in services)
J2 - 925 Main St.
West Vancouver Village at Park Royal
Tel: 604-922-7372
See directory:
Walk-In Medical Clinics / FrFamilyractice Clincs / Physical Rehab Clinics: Physiotherapists & Massage Therapists & Optometrists & 24 hour x 7 days a week Pharmacy
return to top
- Broadway Centre Dental Group
- Dentists: Dr. Rob Aaronson, Dr. Avie Perel-Panar, Dr. Mike Oltean & Dr. Wayne Quong
- In addition to traditional preventive and restorative services, we offer the following:
- · Cosmetic dentistry-bleaching, porcelain veneers, bonding.
- · Prosthetics-crowns, bridges, implants, partial and complete dentures.
- · Option to replace silver fillings with gold or porcelain.
- · Periodontics-the treatment and maintenance of gums and supporting bone.
- · Endodontics-root canals.
- · General Anaesthesia-provided for selected patients.
- · Dental implants.
- · Bruxism-nightguards.
- · Treatment for snoring and sleep apnea.
- Broadway Dental Group Offices
- #1005 - 805 West Broadway
( 3 blocks from the Vancouver's general hospital complex )
- Vancouver, B.C.
V5Z 1K1, Canada
- Phone 604-873-4301
Fax 604-872-2481
- Office hours:
Monday-Friday 7:30 a.m. to 4:45 p.m.
Saturdays 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Kenneth WU, Dentist
303 - 4088 Cambie Street
Vancouver, BC V5Z 2X8
Bus: 604-875-8383
[Dr. Wu, has been recommended by his patients including G.Zenk. LLB 2006.10]
- Dr. Michael Drance - Downtown Vancouver Dentist & Cosmetic Dentistry Specialist
"Dr. Michael Drance has been working as a dentist in downtown Vancouver
for 23 years. He has taken countless hours of extra training in general dentistry,
cosmetic dentistry (just like on Extreme MakMake over> [TV Series about plastic surgeons],
laser dentistry, TMJ, headache and migraine treatment."
1328 Alberni St.
Vancouver, BC
V6E 4N5
Tel: 604-669-1111
- Vancouver Centre for Cosmetic, Implant & General Dentistry
Dr. Peter A. Balogh and Dr. Edward T.W. Kwok
Metropolis at Metrotown see map
Suite 359 - 4800 Kingsway
Burnaby, British Columbia
Canada, V5H 4J2
Office: 604-434-0248
Dietitians - Nutrition Consultants
- Maria Thomas
certified dietitian / trained nutrition consultant with in Vancouver.
- "Whether you want to lose or gain weight, lower your cholesterol, control your diabetes, learn about the best nutrition strategies to work with your fitness regimen or just learn about general healthy eating, a Registered Dietitian,
who is an expert in nutrition, can help." [fr. web site ref. 04.06.16]
see also Dietitians of Canada · Les diétëtistes du Canada
"Diet plays an important role in a healthy lifestyle. The national
association of Canadian registered dietitians offers resources for
consumers and other health professionals." [quote fr. site 2004.07.10]
"Dietitians of Canada (DC) is the nation-wide voice of dietitians -
the most trusted source of information on food and nutrition for Canadians.
DC brings the knowledge and skills of its members together to influence decisions that affect food,
nutrition and health. Formerly the Canadian Dietetic Association (1935-96), DC has set the standard for education of dietitians and professional dietetic practice."
[quote from About Dieticians Canada 040710]
see also Ms. Thomas' web site
- College of Massage Therapists of B.C.
- NOTE: the College's website sections on "Complaints" and "Unauthorized Practice"
- Burnaby Neuromuscular Massage Therapy Clinic
- With highly trained Registered Massage Therapists, the clinic is located across the street from the Burnaby MetroTown shopping-entertainment complex of malls (east side, towards New Westminster).
see also Massage Therapists Association of B.C.
Pain Clinics in Greater Vancouver
The Thorson Health Center
149 East 15th Ave
North Vancouver, B.C. V2L 2P7
Director: Linda Thorson R.N.
...the centre has an "integrated,multidisciplinary team of over 40 medical and health professionals, whose goal is education, illness prevention and treatment of stress related conditions as well as chronic pain management."
[quote fr. - living with pain clinics directory
Music Therapists & Music Therapy Consultants
- What is music therapy? What does a music therapist do?
- see for a
introduction to what a trained music therapist does and with what type of client groups they can work with.
- n.b. The senior music therapy program consultant at, Yoying Orosa,
working with conductor David Todhunter, in 1999 was the founding
Chief Executive-Administrator of the U.K. London Charity Orchestra
See about how this group of
200 professional musicians, music students and skilled amateurs does wonderful charity performances in London, England,
a tribute to the spirit and vision of the late David Todhunter.
- Music Therapy Educator and Clinical Counseling Practitioners
- Liz Moffitt, M.A. Music Therapist, Registered Clinical Counselor, Primary Trainer, The Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music.
- Liz has been a music therapist and instructor of music therapy at Capilano College for over 25 years. She also combines counseling with music therapy, particularly Guided Imagery and Music, in her private practice.
- for more information go to guided imagery & music therapy
- If you are moving to Victoria or are looking for a music therapist in Victoria, consider
Ms. Maudie van Klaveren
Optometry Clinics - Eye Examinations-Tests - Eye Wear Prescriptions by Optometrists
Archer Bisonette Rea - Optometrists -
5757 Balsam,
Vancouver, B.C.
Tel. 604-261-8151
< hr>
Dr. Richard Bisonette, Optometrist
#104 - 1668 West Broadway,
Vancouver, B.C.
Tel. 604-733-1611
Tel. 604-261-8151
Doctors of Optometry
1231A - 4700 Kingsway
Burnaby, BC, V5H 4M1
(Near the Metrotown Bus Loop / SkytrSky trainance to Mall
Next door to Metropolis at Metrotown Lens Crafters Eye Wear Services)
Phone: 604-433-3555
- Dr. G.S. Rai (Optometric Corp.)
- Dr. D.S. Dosanjh
- Dr. R. Gafur
- Dr. R.A. Strath
- Dr. T.S. Gandham
Tony Wang Optometric Corp
Metropolis at Metrotown
Office Galleria - Level 4
#474 - 4800 Kingsway,
Burnaby, B.C. V5H4J2
Office Hours:
Mon - Fri 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Office Hours: Sat 9:00AM - 4:30 PM
At Dr.Tony Wang Optometric Corp. we specialize in providing professional eye care and treatment for patients in the Metropolitan Vancouver area. Our services include a full range of comprehensive eye examinations, corrective lenses and therapies. We use the latest in technology to correct vision impairment and to diagnose problems such as cataracts and glaucoma.
Regular eye exams are recommended for all ages, especially those with family histories of ocular diseases, high blood pressure, and diabetes. We use state of the art diagnostic equipment to monitor the health of your eyes and to determine your correct prescription.
Even if you think you have 20/20 vision, there can still be problems that could go undetected during a simple vision test. Unnoticed, they could eventually lead to vision and other health problems.
We take our time to get to know our patients, and we work closely with you throughout the treatment process, making sure that you understand all options available. Our office is located on the professional office level in Metrotown Shopping Center on Kingsway. We are easily accessible by bus or Skytrain and have plenty of parking. Wheelchair accessible.
Great service and great prices for your eyeglasses [lenses & frames]- optical ware needs - ask about same day service (if required)
595 west 7th Ave.,
Vancouver, BC
Tel:  604-873-5288
Fax: 604-873-0115
Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. - Saturday 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
[Stephen L., of Factory Optical Ltd., gets the great service good deed of the day award from on October 4, 2002 for
quick courtesy repair of glasses for web-administrator of Metrotown information web site. This is our way of saying
thank you - and telling our viewers to check out Factory Optical's eye ware services.]
LifeMark Health Centre
181 Keefer Place,
Vancouver, BC V6B 6C1
Phone: 604-687-5911
see also summary of
Vestibular Rehabilitation: Balance & dizziness disorders - assessment, diagnosis &treatment
by Susan , Physiotherapist
- Rankin Physiotherapy: Specializing in facial and vestibular rehabilitation
- Susan Rankin, B.Sc.P.T. & M.H.Sc.
- 5270 Schou Street
Burnaby, BC
V5G 4L1
Telephone: 604-294-8778
- Moving to Victoria, BC and looking for a physiotherapist specializing balance and dizziness disorders??
- Consider:
Lorelei Lew, B.Sc.P.T., M.Sc., M.C.P.A.
Registered Physiotherapist & Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapist
see also
Physiotherapy Association of B.C.
- B.C. Balance and Dizziness Disorders Society
- This registered non-profit society with over 350 members is based in Vancouver, B.C.
- "
The B.C. Balance and Dizziness Disorders Society has been organized to provide information and support
for persons with balance, dizziness, and all vestibular disorders and to develop awareness of the
issues surrounding these disorders" - see their web site for more information
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Weather | |
Other Vancouver Resources
Dentists & Dental Services in Downtown San Francisco
Health Services & Class Actions & Medical Malpractice & Medical Negligence in Canada Canada's health services & Class Action lawyers
Vancouver class action, professional negligence & malpractice lawyers
e.g. Canada's tainted blood supply class action
Vancouver lawyer experienced in medical negligence / malpractice, Bruce Lemer see medical-malpractice/overview/.
Toronto class action, medical
or professional malpractice or negligence, product liability lawyers
e.g. Baycol cholesterol drug class action, diet pills class action
Medical Malpractice & Professional Negligence
Health & Medical Reference sites
B.C. Government's Ministry of Health Services
- B.C. Cancer Agency
"The British Columbia Medical Association (BCMA) is a voluntary association of ... physicians, medical residents, and medical students. The BCMA has over 11 000 members, with about 8500 in active medical practice. This represents approximately 95% of practising physicians in British Columbia " (2010.05 cite)
- British Columbia Dental Association BCDA est. 1998
- College od Dental Surgeons of BC "regulating dental surgeons and certified dental assistants in the public interest" ... "Provides information on registration and licensing requirements, as well as the Dentists Act"
- Canadian Diagnostic Centres: private colonoscopy and CT scans
www.massagetherapy.bc.caMassage Therapists Association of B.C. "Registered Massage Therapists (RMTs) in British Columbia are health care professionals committed to restoring and maintaining optimal health and pain-free function of the body.
They are educated and trained to accurately assess and treat with techniques that include massage and manual therapy, joint mobilization, hydrotherapy, and rehabilitative exercise such as stretching, strengthening, postural exercise and patient education.
Massage Therapy is an effective approach to pain management and rehabilitation. RMTs are effective in treating and providing relief for a wide range of conditions such as migraine headaches, tendonitis, arthritis, osteoporosis, fibromyalgia, sports injuries, as well as many other common conditions related to soft tissue and joint dysfunction.
Please explore our web site to learn more about Registered Massage Therapists in British Columbia.
- "About BCAO
The British Columbia Association of Optometrists (BCAO) is a non-profit professional association representing optometrists working in 94 communities across B.C. Optometrists specialize in examining, diagnosing, treating, managing and preventing diseases and disorders of the visual system, the eye and related structure. They also prescribe medications to treat certain eye conditions, such as infections, inflammations, allergies and injuries.
" (2010.05 cite)
Physiotherapy Assoc. of B.C. - "
- College of Registered Nurses of B.C. Vancouver Coastal Health - "Locate health care services in Vancouver, Richmond, North and West Vancouver and along the Sea-to-Sky Highway, Sunshine Coast and BC's Central Coast." (2010.05 cite) - includes e.g. hospitals such as aka Vancouver General Hospital
We serve 25% of BC's population, that's over 1 million people including the residents of Vancouver, Richmond, the North Shore and Coast Garibaldi, Sea-to-Sky, Sunshine Coast, Powell River, Bella Bella and Bella Coola.
Our people [in health care facilities / community health services include]
22,000 staff
2,500 physicians
5,000 volunteers
Daily statistics [as of 2010.05 cite]
Every day we see an average of:
914 patients in our emergency departments
5 life or threatened organ cases
316 surgery patients in our operating rooms that run Monday to Friday
175 people in the community for occupational or physical therapy
891 home care nursing visits
6,240 residential care clients
891 assisted living tenants
[above quoted from web site 2010.05.01]
For detailed up to date information go to Providence Health Care -
We are one of the largest faith-based health care organizations
in Canada, operating 14 sites in Vancouver, BC. Guided by the
principle How You Want to Be Treated, our 1,000 physicians, 6,000
staff and 1,500 volunteers deliver compassionate care to patients
and residents in British Columbia while training medical
professionals and making innovative advances in research.
" (2010.05 update cite)
[Boomers will recognize the formerly independent hospitals and care facilities that now make up Providence Health Care, including: St. Paul's Hospital, Mount Saint Joseph Hospital, Saint Vincent's Hospital, Youville long term care home etc.
Litigation Counsel
Phone: 778-383-7277
540 - 220 Cambie St.
Vancouver, B.C.
Canada, V6B 2M9
Personal Injury - ICBC Claims
Serving Greater Vancouver for over 35 years