Features of this mall include:
Probably the largest Chinese-Asian mall in Burnaby - with stores, public market, professional health and education services
- all in addition to - the new HILTON HOTEL and convention facility which anchors the east side of the mall.
Other features include such facilities as the Crystal Dental Clinic and:
- Central location on the corner of Willingdon Ave. and Kingsway on its
North-West corner;
immediately west of the SAVEON FOODS and Station Square Mall, and
to the immediate North of Burnaby's Civic Square which is part of the MetroTown Branch of the Burnaby Library.
- see the MetroTown area map for details of how this mall is
located in relationship with the other malls in the immediate area, ie. Old Orchard Mall; Metropolis at Metrotown Mall, the
Metrotown Centre Mall and Station Square Mall
- Hilton Hotel and Convention Centre (probably the largest
hotel & convention service in the MetroTown area) opens right into the malls shopping areas and
large Asian Food Court [see www.hiltonvancouver.com for more information for this American Auto Association AAA 4 Diamond rated hotel]
- Fresh Produce Market with assorted fresh fruits and vegetables, a number of Chinese bakeries,
Barbecued meats, herbalist stores, and one of several Chinese preserved fruits specialty
stores. The market is certainly handy for residents of the residential tower that is part
of THE CRYSTAL complex, as well as the large cluster of hi-rise condominiums
surrounding the Metrotown malls area.
- This mall with its many Chinese-Asian shops and services has the feel of a small city and provides a complimentary balance to the other
malls in the area.
- There are the usual assortment of dentists, optometrists,
Chinese medicine-acupuncturists here also in addition to a host of
consumer retail goods and services that make this a great resource for the
whole of Greater Vancouver.
- WALK-IN MEDICAL CLINICS with extended hours are conveniently located 1/2 block to the
south-east at Station Square Medical Clinic or 1/2 block to
the north-west (across Kingsway and Willingdon) at the Old Orchard Mall.
- For more information about the mall go to their web site
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