THE CRYSTAL shopping and residential condos mall in Burnaby's MetroTown shopping malls district
The CRYSTAL is largely a collection of Chinese-Asian stores and services with
the exception of the large new HILTON HOTEL which anchors the east side of the mall
Features of this mall include:
- Central location on the corner of Willingdon Ave. and Kingsway on its North-West corner;
immediately west of the SAVEON FOODS and Station Square Mall, and
to the immediate North of Burnaby's Civic Square which is part of the MetroTown Branch of the Burnaby Library.
- see the MetroTown area map for details of how this mall is
located in relationship with the other malls in the immediate area, ie. Old Orchard Mall; Metropolis at Metrotown Mall, the
Metrotown Centre Mall and Station Square Mall
- Hilton Hotel and Convention Centre (probably the largest
hotel & convention service in the MetroTown area) opens right into the malls shopping areas and
large Asian Food Court
- Fresh Produce Market with assorted fresh fruits and vegetables, a number of Chinese bakeries,
Barbecued meats, herbalist stores, and one of several Chinese preserved-candied fruits specialty
stores. The market is certainly handy for residents of the residential tower that is part
of THE CRYSTAL complex, as well as the large cluster of hi-rise condominiums
surrounding the Metrotown malls area.
- This mall has the feel of a small city and provides a complimentary balance to the other
malls in the area.
- There are also the usual assortment of dentists, optometrists and
Chinese medicine-acupuncturists here also in addition to a host of
consumer retail goods and services that make this a great resource for the
whole of Greater Vancouver.
- WALK-IN MEDICAL CLINICS with extended hours are conveniently located 1/2 block to the
south-east at Station Square Medical Clinic or 1/2 block to
the north-west (across Kingsway and Willingdon) at the
Old Orchard Mall across the street from The Crystal's
north-west corner.
- For more information about the mall go to their web site