Victoria, B.C. Canada - Capital City Information & Consumer Services
| City-Municipal Services | Better Business Bureaus | Tourism Bureau | Chambers of Commerce
| Banks & Financial Services
| Legal Services: lawyers & notaries | Health Services | NewsPapers |
Obits |
Pharmacies |
Real Estate - Realtors |
Real Estate - Lawyers |
Restaurants-Food |
Transportation |
Travel Agents |
Weather | Golf courses
| |
Some population statistics from the 2016 Canada Census
"In 2016, the enumerated population of Victoria census metropolitan area (CMA) was 367,770, which represents a change of 6.7% from 2011. This compares to the provincial average of 5.6% and the national average of 5.0%."
"In 2016, there were 162,716 private dwellings occupied in Victoria, which represent a change of 6.1% from 2011." (cited from
- Victoria City Hall - Municipal Government Services
"Victoria ..."City of Gardens" -
This intimate, sophisticated seaside City is the vacation capital of Canada and the premiere tourist spot in the Pacific Northwest. Victoria is situated on the southern tip of Vancouver Island and sparkles in one of Canada's mildest climates. This area is the sunniest spot in the province and the gentlest in the country in terms of climate, environment, and lifestyle. " (from website maintained by City of Victoria "City Hall)
See also at this site information on: property taxes | parking fines | garbage | fire department | community websites | etc.
- Better Business Bureau of Vancouver Island B.C.
In Victoria serving Vancouver Island, the Gulf Islands, Powell River and Haida Gwai
- "Our Mission: To promote and foster the highest ethical relationship between businesses and the public through voluntary self-regulation, consumer and business education and service excellence."
(quote from web site 07/26/02)
#220-1175 Cook Street
Victoria, BC, V8V 4A1
By Phone: 250-386-6348
Toll Free: 1-877-826-4222
By Fax: 250-386-2367
Office Hours: 9-4pm, Mondays to Fridays
General inquiries:
- Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce
- " As the voice of business in the Victoria area, the Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce
represents business people in the Capital Region working together for the economic and social
well-being of the community.
Membership in the Chamber gives you the opportunity to support your business and contribute to these
goals in many effective ways." [quote from website 2002/02/22]
- Saanich Peninsula Chamber of Commerce
- Tourism Victoria - Greater Victoria and the Islands
"Official travel resources for Victoria, B.C.
This Internet guide is provided by Tourism Victoria, the Greater Victoria Visitors and Convention Bureau, a non-profit association of 850 members representing the local tourism industry.
Our service includes: visitor information and accommodation reservations, assistance for meeting planners, travel writers, film crews, tour operators and wholesalers.
For visitor information please
· Telephone: 250-953-2033
Victoria International Airport
"Victoria International Airport is located 18 km north of Victoria, the Capital of British Columbia, on beautiful Vancouver Island"
Floatplane Services to Vancouver to Victoria
Harbor to harbor daily floatplane services
Helicopter-Helijet Services Vancouver to: Victoria & Seattle
Ferry Schedules - Vancouver to: Victoria, Nanaimo, Sunshine Coast etc.
phone toll free in BC 1-888-233-3779 for schedule information
Victoria BC to Port Angeles, Washington State the Coho passenger car ferry based right downtown Victoria, with dock in the Inner Harbor.
- Victoria Regional Transit Bus System: "Everything you need to know about using the Victoria Regional Transit System is on this Website. Transit service operates seven days a week, 365 days a year. The service area includes Greater Victoria, Sidney and Sooke.
- Pacific Coach Lines - Bus service between Vancouver and Victoria, and YVR (Vancouver Intenational Airport & Whistler.
Car Rental Services Downtown Victoria
- Canada Naval Forces (CBF) Naval Base
- -
Naden St
(250) 363-4312
- -
- Esquimalt, B.C. - Naden Site
see also a photo of a City Class Frigate
(Dept. of National Defense aerial photo) like those based in Esquimalt in Greater Victoria.
- Weather Services & Updates
- Environment Canada
fee based phone service with forecaster "Weather one-on-one"
phone 1-900-565-5555
Public Health Services - Restaurant Inspections
Victoria Health Inspection Reports of Restaurant and Food Handling Services
An interesting site to visit to see if your favorite restaurant, cafe or cofee shop or market butcher
passed their most recent health inspection and how they rated.
- VIHA Vancouver Island Health Authority web site
Note - you can search by name of restaurant/facility or by going through the alphabetical listings
"Environmental Health Officers carry out inspections for food facilities, including restaurants. Food inspection occurs at the federal, provincial and local levels.
Locally, food control initiatives are aimed at preventing food borne illnesses through safe food management. The monitoring process includes assessment, inspection, sample gathering and evaluation." [quote from VIHA web page 2015.05.21]
Food facilities that sell or serve food to the public are inspected routinely. These facilities include:
- restaurants,
- pubs and lounges,
- hospitals and care facilities,
- food and espresso carts,
- coffee outlets,
- delis,
- bakeries,
- butcher shops,
- grocery stores,
- and more, including temporary events where food is sold.
Victoria Legal Services: Lawyers · Law Firms · Notaries Public
Looking for a lawyer or notary public in Victoria or general information sources about the law in B.C.? See our legal information
and services area?
For Victoria lawyers with particular expertise in the area of Intellectual Property and Technology Law - wbroader business law practice , see Hutchison Oss-Cech & Marlatt's James Hutchison.
James Hutchison, BA, LL.B.
Intellectual Property - Technology Law Servicers
Hutchison Oss-Cech Marlatt
#1 - 505 Fisgard Street,
Victoria B.C. V8W 1R3
Phone: (250) 360-2500
Toll Free Phone: 1-866-887-4878
Victoria Real Estate / Wills & Estates Legal Services
B.A. (York U.), J.D. (UVIC), Q.C. 2016
Admitted to the BC Bar 1996
Charlotte's areas of practise includes: wills & estates , residential real estate law and commercial litigation, she also handles personal injury litigation (e.g. ICBC claims disputes and settlements), and civil litigation
Charlotte has a previous background in real estate development
and corporate commercial financing.
Charlotte's community involvement and professional development activities include being:
- Chair of the Canadian Bar Association, Civil Litigation Section, Vancouver Island, 2007 -
- Vice-President of the Victoria Bar Association, 2009
- Partner/Principle of McConnon Bion O'Connor Peterson Law Corp. 2009
Charlotte Salomon, BA JD QC
Barrister & Solicitor
McConnan Bion O'Connor & Peterson Law Corp.
Suite # 420 - 880 Douglas Street,
Victoria, B.C. Canada V8W 2B7
Phone: 250-385-1383
Toll free: 1-888-385-1383
Web Site Profile:
See also: Directory of Victoria Real Estate Development Lawyers
| City-Municipal Services | Better Business Bureaus
| Tourism Bureau
| Chambers of Commerce
| Legal Services (lawyers/notaries)
| Banks & Financial Services
| Health Services | NewsPapers
| Real Estate - Victoria Realtors
| Restaurants-Food-Inspection
| Restaurants Sampler
| Transportation
| Weather | |
Victoria Newspapers & Canada News Online
see also
Dr. John Poon, O.D., B.Sc. (Hons)
精 通 國 ` 粵 ` 英 語
潘 振 富 眼 科 醫 生
Fluent in English & Cantonese Chinese
Purely Optometry Eye Care Clinic
Unit #105,
1964 Fort Street
Victoria, BC
V8R 6R3
Appointments Phone:
250-590-7499 or 250-590-2932
Web site:
Walk Ins Welcome!

- Naval Base Tours
- Esquimalt, B.C. - Naden Site
- Golf Course in Victoria
- Golf Courses Map
- ChinaTown Asia Travel Services Travel Agents
- Music at UVic
- Victoria Jazz Society
- Theatres at UVic
- Health Inspections - Restaurants
- On-line reports of public health inspection records of local
restaurants and food services in Victoria
- Dining Guides & Suggestions
- Chinatown Area
Chinese & Western food, coffee houses, restaurants, pubs and markets
· Full Service Firm
· Personal Injury Claims
· Personal Injury ICBC Settlements
click for info
· Brain Injury Lawyer Services
· WCB Claims
· Employment Law
· Real Estate
· Corporate Commercial Business Law
· Intellectual Property / Technology Law IP-IT Law
· Estates, Wealth Managements, Wills, Powers of Attorney
· Family Law
Outside Victoria Toll Free: 1-866-887-4878
Hutchison Oss-Cech Marlatt
#1 - 505 Fisgard St.
Victoria, B.C. Canada V8W 1R3
Phone: (250) 360-2500
Hutchison Oss-Cech Marlatt, Barristers & Solicitors
#1 - 505 Fisgard Street,
Victoria B.C. V8W 1R3
Phone: (250) 360-2500
Toll Free Phone: 1-866-887-4878
McConnan Bion O'Connor and Peterson Law Corporation
Full Service Law Firm
Suite #420 - 880 Douglas Street,
Victoria, B.C. Canada V8W 2B7
Phone 250-385-1383
Toll free 1-888-385-1383
see also
Return to
Lucy is recognized as one of the best negotiators in the Victoria area - resulting in a network of loyal
clients who use her services over and over again.
維多利亞最富經驗和最負盛名的多方語言房產經紀. 連年得獎無數. Hall Of Fame 的得奬人!
Lucy Richardson, Realtor
contact information
see also
Shriner's Car Raffle for Fund Raising for Children's Health Care Programs in Canada and USA
Barristers & Solicitors
#1 - 505 Fisgard St.
Victoria, B.C.
Canada V8W 1R3
Toll Free: 1-866-887-4878
Victoria Tel: (250) 360-2500
Victoria Resources